Patient Testimonials
Dr. Kathleen Janel and the staff at Specialty Natural Medicine are awesome!
Having moved from Washington state to South Carolina I needed my annual health exam before Dr. Janel could prescribe my thyroid medication. We communicated via a patient portal about what blood tests she would need for her analysis. I located a lab which emailed me that the blood test results were available. After downloading the results from my lab account, I went to the Specialty Natural Medicine patient portal and attached the pdf test results file through Dr. Janel's message box.
A few days later we had a great Skype office visit. Then Michael, Director of Operations, and Kayla worked day and night to get the prescription dispensed through Express Scripts, my insurance mail order pharmacy. Michael also made sure I got a bottle of medicine within 3 days, so I wouldn't run out. Amazing service!

I came to Dr Janel for my digestive issues which I had suffered for years. I had tried all kinds conventional methods through the medical community. All of which just masked the symptoms for a short time.
Dr Janel helped by finding the real issues and educating and treating the whole me. I have never felt this good! I no longer suffer daily stomach discomfort and bloating. I have more energy and overall well being.
I highly recommend the staff at Specialty Natural Medicine.

Dr Janel knew exactly what to do for every health problem I had. I am so happy that I had the opportunity to go to Specialty Natural Medicine. They have so much to offer.

So far, these doctors and their staff are excellent. Do not be dissuaded by any negative online reviews. I have found that these doctors are professional and can make recommendations, but the work (diet and exercise) are up to the patient. Sometimes we don't like to hear their recommendations and don't want to do the work, but that is not the fault of these doctors. I will recommend this clinic to friends and family. My guess is that many of their services are not covered by insurance, but that's another subject-- they will help to see if insurance is available to help cover some of the cost, but ultimately you are responsible for their bill, which makes sense.

Dr. Janel helped me with some really bad skin issues. I was breaking out in rashes for over a year. The rash was red, bumpy and itched horribly. I kept my arms covered and was glad my shirts covered my back and chest. A dermatologist prescribed cream that eventually quit working. My diagnosis was "we don't know what it is so we'll lump it in with eczema." Dr. Janel ran tests and her treatment worked. I'm rash free! She's professional, thorough and on your side!
Dr. Lang is such a pro with IV's. They were completely painless and she was able to get my vein every time on the first try.
Michael is the Office Manager. I didn't understand my bill and inquired about it. I just wasn't understanding. He took his time and cheerfully and clearly answered my questions until I understood.
Specialty Natural Medicine is a first class establishment!

I LOVE Dr. Janel!
She has taken my dysfunctional digestive system and made it hum. It took about a year and half but I'm so glad I took this health journey. I've learned to stay away from wheat (still working on the sugar thing). Her associates are great,too!
Every chance I get, I recommend her to family, friends and co-workers.

I have battled with IBS for years and tried many different treatments. I would get relief for a little while and then things would fall apart again. I finally decided to try a different approach and contacted Specialty Natural Medicine.
They are awesome! I felt welcomed and heard from the very first visit. They seem to be treating me as a whole. I never feel like I didn't get enough of there time.
It has been about a year since I first started seeing Dr. Janel and the difference in my health is amazing. I am out of pain and feel in control of my life again. I truly feel that my doctor is partnering with me in my journey toward health.

Dr. Janel at Specialty Natural Medicine is top notch in the field of Natural medicine. Dr. Janel is well researched in all areas of medicine and extremely attentive, bright and professional. She and her staff welcome patients with open arms of care , compassion and kindness. They are rich with knowledge and willing to work with me and my family in a way that feels as though we have a personal team by our side. The office is extremely well equipped and clean. It is professional while keeping the feel of home town doctors office. I would highly recommend this office to anyone wanting quality health care. They ROCK!

I’ve always been allergic to cats, and to a lesser extent other animals. I first started experiencing severe seasonal allergies when I was a teenager. It started with spring pollen allergies that were often worse than having the flu. Around that time, I also developed a pronoucned allergy to certain foods. So, for the past 25+ years, I’ve taken Allergra or Claritin every day in the spring, and every time I was going to a friend’s house with a cat, and I’ve gone without eating raw apples or carrots for that long, as well.
I’ve been a patient of Dr Janel’s for 8 years, working primarily on healing my gut and getting back to a healthy place. About 2 years ago, she suggested I try the LDA shots for my allergies. I had heard all sorts of stories about “allergy shots” and didn’t want to do that. When I learned this was a very different thing, I agreed to give it a try. I admit that I was a bit skeptical: I tend to poo-poo homeopathics and other “subtle” treatments. But I gave it a go. When April rolled around and I saw my car covered with cedar pollen, and I realized I was symptom-free–totally symptom free–during the yearly pollen onslaught, I was thrilled! Since then, I’ve also been able to eat raw apples again, and just this month, we baby-sat a cat for 2 weeks. For the first time in my life, I was able to play with/snuggle a cat with no adverse effects.
I’ve recommended LDA treatments to numerous friends and family, of course; how can I not? The treatment has quite literally changed my life, and is so easy. I still find it hard to believe it has worked so well. And, of course, I highly recommend Dr. Janel and the team at Specialty Natural Medicine. Dr Janel has taken better care of me than any doctor I’ve worked with, bar none.

It is hard to put in words just how extremely wonderful Specialty Natural Medicine has been for me. I've had a couple very hard to diagnose Heath issues and felt overwhelmed and discouraged by going to multiple doctors for each issue and not getting the correct treatment. Until now that I have been having appointments with Dr. Janel, there is not only a light at the end of the tunnel but along the way I've been able to feel stronger, less pain and relief. I'm finally begaining to achieve the optimal Health I've been hoping and trying for. Everyone else there is great too, Kaela the secretary is a sweetheart and Michael is encouraging and extra efficient. I recommend SNM to everyone and anyone who has a body they would like to treat better!

Specialty Natural Medicine saved my mother from months of pain and swelling of her hand and wrist. At the beginning of 2015 mother was experiencing difficulty using her right hand and wrist. She went to her Primary Care Physician and was prescribed medicine for gout. The medicine she was on for 10 days didn't work. She goes back to her PCP and this time was asked to get an X-ray of the hand/wrist. The results were negative. Keep in mind her pain was at intolerable levels, she was crying and being keep awake at night because of the horrible shooting pains going up her arm and into the armpit. She had no relief so, returns to her PCP. This time the PCP suggests to see a hand specialist. (Mother is elderly and doesn't drive the freeway) We go see the specialist downtown Seattle. Oh we were so underwhelmed..... The specialist took a look at her and immediately says...Oh you have arthritis. We'll make a brace for you to wear and take Aleve for the pain, come back in a month if you aren't better.
Mother had lost weight and was very depleted, the pain was eating her up.
(All this took aprox. 2 1/2 months of going between the PCP, X-ray tec., & specialist)
When we left the specialist's office....I had a horrible feeling that this wasn't going to help my mother. I felt helpless that these doctors don't seem to understand that the pain wasn't arthritis.
I knew about Specialty Natural Medicine because I drive by the building almost daily. On my way home after mother had seen her specialist, I stopped by their office and spoke to the receptionist. I was so relieved to be greeted by a sweet caring individual and proceeded to make an appointment immediately for mother.
On the day of mother's first appointment Dr. Kathleen Janel ND, examined mother in a very caring professional manner and she knew how to give mother relief from the horrible pain she was in. Mother received 2 shots. One was for Vitamin B-12 because of her depleted condition and the other was an injection of a homeopathic solution to promote drainage of her lymphatic system. Almost immediately mother had a sense of relief from the pain. Not only did Dr. Janel give her relief but her knowledge in helping those with difficult to understand conditions like my mother. Ever since mother has been seeing Dr. Janel she is like a different person. Now she still doesn't have complete use of her hand/wrist, but the pain is almost gone. We came to learn that mother's ailment isn't arthritis but something called Dupuytren's Contracture. I want to say Thank you to the staff and Dr. Janel for helping my mother and giving her pain relief. I highly recommend Specialty Natural Medicine to anyone.

Specialty Natural Medicine has helped me with my health issues in a few months of treatment. I have been treated by main stream Doctors for over 25 years with little if any relief.
Three months of positive staff and real help vs. 25 years of Zero as well as cost. Think about it..
Thank you.

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